
Random Good Reads

Catholic Teaching, Homosexuality, and the American Life  (Blog)
This individual is a gay Catholic who decided to follow the teachings of the Church but he wants to help educate other Catholics about how hard it is to be gay and Catholic. He encourages the Church to be more inclusive and sensitive. He is understanding of the struggle for gays but also understanding of Church teaching.

Ask Fr. Joe! Q&A: (BustedHalo)  Fr. Joe at BustedHalo gives a devout yet thought provoking answer to a tough question. He raises a lot of the issues that gay Catholics face that the Church has yet to address.

Queering the Church A progressive blog dedicated to tough questions of faith and sexuality.

My Gay Catholic Life (The Guardian) An article by a lesbian Catholic who ultimately decided to stay with her partner

Real Love for Homosexuals ( An article by David Morrison, a gay Catholic published in

A Queer Conversation (BustedHalo) A Traditionalist nun and her openly gay cousin discuss homosexuality and love.

Sister Wendy : My Semi-Spiritual Guide (Huffington Post) A hipster tries her hand at spirituality, and talks to Sister Wendy about praying and why she thinks gay marriage might happen someday.

Gay, Proud, and Pro-Life (BustedHalo) A look at PLAGAL, a LGBT pro-life organization!

By Author

Eve Tushnet - Celibate, out Lesbian.

Homo No'Mo'? (The National Review) Tushnet attends an Ex-Gay conference, stays gay, and gets the creeps.

Homosexuality & the Church (Commonweal) Tushnet and Luke Timothy Johnson (who's daughter is lesbian) weigh in with differing opinions and good questions and quite a lot of fervor.

A Gay Catholic Voice Against Same-Sex Marriage
 (The New York Times)
This is a New York Times article about Eve Tushnet, a lesbian Catholic who has chosen the celibate life but embraces her orientation in other ways.

Lesbian, Celibate, Catholic (BustedHalo) -- An awesome and informative interview with Eve Tushnet on why she's against gay marriage and for celibacy, why she's proud to be lesbian, and some quirky traditions we should bring back.

Rev. James Martin, SJ. --Jesuit priest  and writer for Huffington Post, America Magazine

It Gets Better Project -- Rev. James Martin Father Martin offers hope to young gay people.

A Prayer for When I Feel Hated -- Preventing Gay Teen Suicides (Huffington Post)

What is a Gay Catholic to Do? (America Magazine)  What place is there for the gay person in the Catholic church?

Same -Sex on the South Shore  (Huffington Post) Why rejecting children from a private school for having gay parents is unchristian.

What is a Catholic response to gay suicide? How can Catholics do better to reach out to gays and lesbians?

Nicole Sotelo -- Catholic women's  rights/LGBT activist.

Coming Out.  (Busted Halo) Young, Gay Catholics struggle to reconcile their faith and identity.
65 Million Reasons to be Thankful  (National Catholic Reporter) -- Sotelo on why she stays Catholic and why Catholics as a lay-people are the most supportive of LGBT rights.

James Alison -- Former gay priest, activist.

Letter to a Young Gay Catholic (Blog) Appeared in a Catholic Publication

The Fulcrum of Discovery or how the "gay" thing  is good news for the Catholic Church.  Text from a lecture he gives.